Introducing Me

Hey it’s Kay!

My real name is Kaylee but "hey it's Kaylee" doesn't quite have the same effect as "hey it's Kay," so for the sake of a good rhyme I'll go by Kay. I am a creator and adventure enthusiast who loves photography, video production, travel, music, writing, film, sports, design, and the arts.

WOW. That is a long list of interests and I could name even more. As you can probably tell, I am the type of person who loves and wants to try everything. If you showed me a picture or video of something that looked even remotely cool, I'd probably say "Let's do that!"

Since you're reading this, I'm assuming that you are interested in learning a little bit more about me. So while I could use this space to tell you about all of my experience, credentials, and accomplishments, I think it would be much more interesting and exciting for you to get to know about me as a person and WHY I do what I do. 

Growing up, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I dreaded the question “what do you want to be when you grow up” because unlike most of my friends, I had absolutely no idea. There were so many things I wanted to do and try that it was pretty much impossible to narrow it down into a concise answer other than "I don't know." At some point in my life, I have wanted to have every career imaginable.

It took me until my freshman year of college to realize that not knowing what I want to do is 100% okay and most people who ~think~ they have their lives all figured out really don't.

That’s when I perfected the art of “fake it ‘til you make it.”

I still don't know where I am headed in life, but if there is one thing I have learned in the past 20 years of living it is that life is just one big game of "I have no idea what I am doing" and then somehow figuring it out. The important thing is to live life presently, take it one step at a time, and focus on finding the things that you love to create the life you want to live.

If you think about it, we are all just living one big "Choose Your Own Adventure Book."

So that leads me to where I am today, and here is a little ~crash course~ to some of the things you will learn about me:

  • I'm a 90's baby but I definitely THRIVED in the early 2000s.

  • In true Millennial fashion I prefer paper towels over napkins, memes are the key to my heart, and I am fluent in Vines.

  • I own more stuffed animals than anyone my age ever should.

  • I can't sing. But that has never once stopped me from singing all the time. In the car. In the shower. Everywhere.

  • I love, love, looooove music. I'll listen to pretty much anything. Kendrick Lamar is the GOAT, but I'm always down for Shawn Mendes or Khalid.

  • Speaking of goats, I absolutely love goats. And giraffes. And dogs. And ocelots. And really anything that alive and fuzzy.

  • Ninety-eight percent of my diet is chicken nuggets and I put ketchup on pretty much everything. Except for donuts which are my all-time favorite food. I could seriously live off of them.

  • I love movies and TV shows. For movies, my all-time favorites list would definitely include Monsters Inc. and Spider-Man. For TV shows, I am always down for anything, so if you ever need to vent with someone after a dramatic episode, I'm your girl.

  • I'm pretty sure I was destined to be a super hero, but I accidentally killed the spider that was supposed to bite me.

  • I love to laugh, and I like to think I'm pretty funny. I'm not sure if anyone else thinks that but nevertheless I love to make people smile.

  • I love the beach, the ocean, the mountains, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth. I am completely and constantly amazed by the world we live in.

Out of all of these things I love, my most favorite thing in the entire world is to create. I absolutely LOVE making memories, telling stories, and experiencing the world everywhere I go. I have always been amazed with the world we live in, and I have always loved to travel and experience all of the amazing things the world has to offer. 

So that leads me in to the WHY I love doing what I do. I absolutely love documenting my life and the lives of other people around me. I love capturing memories that will last a life time and I love sharing them with all of you!

My first love is and always will be photography. I fell in love with it as soon as I was able to control the shutter button on one of those disposable film cameras. I think there is something truly special about being able to capture a single slice of time and be able to keep it forever. But recently, I have begun experimenting more and more with video production, because I love being able to record moments and create stories I can watch over and over again. I am super stoked to see what I can create and I can't wait to see where these projects take me.

I am soooo excited for the journey that lies ahead and I am so excited to share my experiences with YOU. Why? Because in the end that is what this is really all about: connecting with others. I love working with people to create something beautiful and I love sharing what we create. Together.

The world is such an amazing place filled with incredible places, events, experiences, and humans like you, so through my work, I hope to connect with you to brighten your life and maybe make the world a little bit better.

So let's make something together!

The world has so much to offer and there is so much out there to see. Let's go! And never stop exploring.

Attention. Ready. Row!

“All rowers sitting ready, oars squared and buried at the catch. Attention. Ready… Row!”

Less than a month ago, I had no idea what any of those words meant. I had no idea where the catch was, which side was starboard, and what stroke ratings were. Less than a month ago, I had never set foot in a rowing boat. The only thing I knew when I showed up for the first day of practice was that if I said the words, “all ready, row” the boat would start moving, and that was the goal, right?

Today, however, these words and phrases have become a part of my everyday vocabulary, because I am now a coxswain on the High Point University rowing team. I am out on the water almost every day spending countless hours in a boat with my teammates. In these past few weeks my life has changed so much, and rowing has quickly become a part of me, despite many ups-and-downs on the journey to get where I am today.

The most common question I am asked when someone finds out I’m on the rowing team is “how did you decide to join the rowing team?” and I’m honestly never quite sure what answer to give them. The truth is that simply one morning, I  woke up and had the idea in my head that I wanted to start rowing. Maybe it was because I was bored and wanted to find a new challenge or maybe it was because I missed being a part of a team, but either way, I got this idea in my head and eventually I talked myself into it and met with the coaches about walking on.

However, in the weeks leading up into school, I suddenly became very anxious. After having such a rough running career, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to repeat another three years of painful injuries and disappointment; I wasn’t sure if rowing was going to be for me. So in the week leading up to school, I decided that I wasn’t going to go out for the team and that the athletic chapter of my life would be officially closed.

I contacted the coaches and informed them of my decision, and although they completely understood, they asked if I had any interest in coxing, as they were in need of some new coxswains. As a relatively short, small girl, I was a pretty strong candidate, and had originally considered joining the team in either capacity (as a rower or coxswain). But since I had already made up my mind, I decided I would stick to my decision.

Fortunately, that did not sit well with me. Even though I had talked myself out of it, weighing the pros and cons, I continued to feel this calling on my heart. I continued to think about finding something that could be “my thing” and something that could shape and define me. I continued to think about the amazing things that rowing could give me and the experience I could be missing out on. So after a week of anxiety, nightmares (yes, actual nightmares), and a panic attack, I joined the team as a coxswain.

And this was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Almost instantly, my life changed forever, and I was suddenly launched into a brand-new, exciting adventure. Suddenly, I became a part of something greater than myself and found something where I could really make a difference. I found something that could be unique to me and something none of my family or friends had tried before. I found an outlet for my  motivation and competitive energy, and I found a place where I could work hard and be committed to something.

Even though I have only been coxing for a few short weeks, I have already fallen in love with the sport. There is truly nothing quite like being out on the water with four or eight other people working towards a common goal. Whether you’re out on the lake competing or practicing, there’s always a sense of extra motivation to work hard because you’re not only doing it for yourself, but you’re doing it for your team, and its reassuring to know that you always have the support of your team behind you.

It’s crazy for me to think that in such a short time, I have found a new passion, a new family, and a new purpose. In just a few short weeks, I have learned so much, and have been challenged in so many new ways. In less than a month, I went from knowing next to nothing about rowing, to being able to control a boat with confidence. I even helped lead my boat, our novice women’s four, to a first-place finish at our second regatta ever.

And what’s even crazier, is that I almost didn’t do it.

I almost decided, “rowing wasn’t for me” before I even tried it. I almost gave up on something before I even gave it a chance.

This story could have had a million different endings and may not have ever been told if I hadn’t taken the leap of faith to follow my heart and go outside of my comfort zone. With each decision we make, we can truly change our lives, and in this case, joining the rowing team has been life-changing. So my advice to you is don’t be afraid to take risks; don’t be afraid to try new things and do things that scare you, because it may become the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Be fearless and always put yourself out there. Life is too short to live with regrets and life is too short to always wonder “what if.” Even though it might be scary, give it a chance because it may end up changing your life for the better. Don’t be afraid to listen to the little voice inside of your head that’s pushing you and have the courage to follow your heart. Live fearlessly and without regrets, and amazing things will happen.

Things I Learned My Freshman Year of College

My first year of college was great.  I loved my school, met so many great people, excelled in all of my classes, and I decided to go back this year :). I did, however, experience a lot of ups and downs throughout the year.  College was definitely a big learning experience for me, and I changed a lot in my first year.  So although this post may be a little cliche, I thought it might be fun to share some of the things I learned in my first year and offer up a little advice to some of my friends who are about to start their journey in higher education.  So without further ado, here are 20 things that I learned during my freshman year of college!

  1. You will learn more about yourself in one year of college than four years of high school ever taught you.  No matter what your expectations of college are, it will surprise you, and you will surprise yourself.  College is all about about learning and growing, and through all of these experiences you will learn so much about the kind of person you are and the person you aspire to be.  From being away from the comforts of home for the first time to struggling through some of the hardest classes you’ve ever taken, you will discover so many things about yourself.
  2. Take advantage of the fresh start and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.  College is about finding yourself and becoming your true self.  A fresh start in college gives you a chance to grow into the person you’ve always striven to be.   Do things you’ve never tried before and try things you’ve always wanted to.  Coming from high school where the norm was to conform, college is gives you a chance to explore yourself and figure out your place in the world.  In this time of our lives, we are all trying to figure out ourselves, so you’re not alone!
  3. Partying in college isn’t everything.  Take it from the girl who never went to a single party (unless walking up to the door of one counts).  You are not missing out on the “the best years of your life” by skipping out on a party.  There is so much more to college than the party scene, and there are so many more ways to have fun than drinking until you black out.  At the same time, there is also nothing wrong with going to a party from time to time, and there is nothing wrong with going out with friends to have a good time.  Just know, you don’t have to party in college to have fun and enjoy the greatest years of your life.
  4. Your number of friends will go from 20 to 2 really quick.  You are going to make friends, and you are going to lose friends.  Making friends in college is different than making friends in high school.  In my first year, I met so many new people it was hard to tell which of them were my “friends” and which were more “acquaintances.”   Finding the people who you really want to spend time with and the people you can develop meaningful, life-long relationships with takes time, so don’t worry if you don’t make a bunch of friends right away.  You’ll eventually find the people you are supposed to be with.
  5. It’s okay to be homesick… and it’s okay to never be homesick.  You may not miss home as much as you thought you would, or you may be missing it a lot more than you expected.  Either way, this is perfectly normal.  I went into college expecting to be very homesick because I was going to school almost 10 hours away where I didn’t know anyone, but when I got there, I was never really homesick at all.  It wasn’t that I didn’t miss my family and friends, but I loved my school life so much, I felt right at home.
  6. Don’t live your life at home.  Not meaning physically, but mentally.  Don’t let your life back home prevent you from maximizing your life in college.  It’s okay to miss home, but don’t become so connected to your home that you are living there, instead of at school.  Call home every once in a while but also go out and explore, meet new people, and try new things.  You will get so much more out of school if you are engaged and actively living it.
  7. Your sleep schedule will no longer exist.  In high school, I had a very routine sleep schedule.  I would wake up around 7:15 am and would go to sleep around 11 pm.  In college, however, that routine lasted about two weeks.  Some nights I would go to bed at 9 pm, other nights it would be around 12 am, and other nights I would be up until 2 am.  The great thing about college is the freedom to take naps, so if you’re up writing a paper until 2 am, you can always count on your mid-afternoon snooze in between classes.
  8. School spirit is cool.  Unlike high school where having school spirit was considered lame, loving and cheering on your school is actually normal.  Wear your school colors, go to sporting events, and be proud of your school!
  9. You will survive finals week. Even when you feel overwhelmed and stressed with four exams, six group projects, and eight papers, I promise that you will get through it.
  10. Don’t procrastinate.  Give yourself plenty of time to do your work and always try to get it done as soon as you can.  Getting your work done early will eliminate a lot of stress and will allow you to have a more enjoyable time when you’re out having fun.
  11. Always do the extra credit.  Even if you don’t “need it” at the moment, at the end of the semester you might wish you have done it.  It also looks good to your professors because they can see you’re willing to put in the extra work.  This can also be helpful at the end of the semester and you’re half a point away from the next letter grade.
  12. Ask questions, participate, and visit your professors.  Professors love it when you engage in their class and when you really seem to care about the material.  Professors also love it when you visit them during office hours; it shows you really care, aren’t afraid to ask for help, and are really interested in what they have to say.  In a big lecture class, make yourself known to the professor because they will be more likely to help you out in the future if you need it.  Building relationships with professors will help you when you need letters of recommendation or if at the semester you need a little extra boost to get the grade you want.
  13. You’ll regret taking that 7:50 am.  Unless you are a morning person, taking a 7:50 am class will be rough.  Even though you are “used to early classes” this is on a whole new level. That being said, take it anyways.
  14. Don’t skip out on church.  Although it may be hard to wake up every Sunday morning and go to church, don’t get lazy with your faith just because mom and dad aren’t around.  College is all about growth and is a great time to grow in your faith. In my first year of college, I was able to discover God in ways I hadn’t before.  Take advantage of this opportunity! Get involved with your church on campus and make sure you make time to pray.  Giving time to God will help you when you are struggling.
  15. Enjoy eating home cooked meals while you have them.  The hardest part of college for me was the food.  While I’ll admit I am a picky eater, cafeteria food is nothing compared to a good home cooked meal.  Eat all of your favorite foods while you have it and always request your favorite meals when you come home on breaks.
  16. Do EVERYTHING.  I went to so many random events last year, just because the school offered it, and I wanted to see what it was.  Do it.  I had some of the best experiences going to these events, and I really got to see so many things college life has to offer.  You also may find something you really like or want to be a part of.  Plus there’s usually always free stuff which leads me to…
  17. Take advantage of free stuff.  There is free stuff EVERYWHERE.  At every event there’s probably something from food to t-shirts because who doesn’t like free stuff?
  18. Live in the moment, but take pictures of everything. College only happens once, and you will want to remember everything.  Living in the moment and taking pictures of everything is about finding the right balance.  Don’t miss out on an experience because you were filming or taking pictures the whole time, but photography is a great way to capture the moment, and you’ll love looking back on your college times.
  19. It’s okay to not know what you want to do with your life.  Congratulations to those of you who have your life completely figured out.  I promise that you really don’t.  College is the perfect time to figure out what you really want to do with your life and also find your purpose.  You’ll probably hear that it’s okay to not have it all figured out yet a million times, but it’s true.  Don’t stress about the future, live in the now, and everything will fall into place.
  20. Time flies. Your freshman year will go by in the blink of an eye. And every senior will tell you, before you know it you will be graduating.

The Fourth Quarter: A Game Plan

I absolutely LOVE football.

It is one of my favorite sports and one of my favorite parts of fall. In fact, when I was a little girl, I was CONVINCED I was going to grow up to be a football player. Because that's every kid's dream right?

But really, there is nothing quite like waking up on a crisp fall morning, putting on a pair of jeans and a football jersey, and knowing that its game day.

The cookouts and camaraderie shared by football fans everywhere creates an atmosphere unlike any other time of year. There is just something about this excitement and ambiance that is electrifying.

AND THE GAME. For me, the game itself really is the most exciting part of the entire sport. Football is packed full of incredible nail-biting and jaw-dropping moments.

So when I started thinking about just how much I loved football, I started to realize just how much it parallels my life. As silly as it sounds, there are MILLIONS of lessons in football that we can apply to ourselves in our lives.

From the simplest things such as hard work and team work, football can be translated into analogy for life.

Consider this: a football game is kind of like a year.

THE FIRST QUARTER: January, February, March.

Coming out into a new game, a new year. Everyone is excited. The players, the coaches, the fans. You want to start off strong. The first moments of the game can set a momentum that will set the tone for the rest of the match.

This is like the beginning of the new year. Turning the page on a new chapter, everyone sets their goals on what they want to accomplish in the new year and they are excited for a new start.

Make your game plan. Set your goals. Hit the ground running. LET’S GO.



t’s still early. No matter what is going on in the game right at this point, there is still plenty of time left. The first quarter may not have gone exactly as planned, or it could have gone even better, but either way the important thing about the second quarter is settling into a rhythm.

If things aren’t going your way: there is still time left. Anything can happen. I mean, you’re not even halfway through the game yet.

You settle in. You find a rhythm. You continue to push yourself. YEAH BABY.


THE THIRD QUARTER: July, August, September.

It’s the start of the second half. No matter how the first half of the game was played, there is still an equal amount of time remaining. If things didn’t go as planned, there’s still time to turn it around, to find a new game plan. If things are going well, continue to take that momentum into the second half. There is still a lot of football left to play.

Refocus. Keep grinding. Find the momentum. ITS GAME TIME.


THE FOURTH QUARTER: October, November, December.

The final quarter of the game. It all comes down to this. Time is running out but the important thing is that there is still time left. This is the most critical quarter of the game because anything is up for grabs. Anything can happen.

So as the last three months of the year are upon us, we are in the final quarter of the year: the fourth quarter of the game. What are you going to do to secure the ‘W’? What are you going to do to finish off strong?



Evaluate the situation.

Figure out where you stand in your life right now. Are you ahead or behind? Have you taken a commanding lead or are you down? No matter what the situation is, there is still time left.

There is still an entire quarter left to take control and make change happen. No matter how down you are, it’s not over until it’s over!

There is still time to make a comeback. Don’t give up yet. Don’t wait until next time. There is time for you to rally back right now. There is still time to make this YOUR YEAR.


Remember you are on a team.

Just as on a football team, you are not alone in life.

There are people all around you who love and support you: they are your teammates.

Putting the weight of an entire game on your shoulders is EXHAUSTING, so lean on the people around you! Whether the teammates are on the field with you or cheering along on the sidelines, there are people to support you in all different ways.

Look for the coaches. There are people out there to give you advice when you need it. Look for them! Whether this is a family member, friend, teacher, or boss, there are people out there who will help you win this game.

Lastly don’t forget there are fans out there who are rooting you. Your friends, family, co-workers, and even people you barley know are all cheering for you. Sure, there will be haters out there, but let the haters hate and focus on the people rooting for you.

Even when you feel like there is no one on your side, I am right here and I am your NUMBER ONE FAN. There is nothing more I want than to see you succeed. I know you can do this, so LETS GO!


Defense wins championships.

Sometimes we get so caught up in wanting to score that we forget how to play the game. Scoring is important, but so is stopping the other team from scoring.

But how do we play defense in life?

Change the momentum of the game. If you’re feeling down, change your negative outlook into a positive one. Give life a challenge. Don’t let the hardships of life overtake you so easily; don’t let life win so easily.

Make big plays on the defensive side. If life tries to throw another big problem at you? Intercept it. If life gives you the opportunity to make a big play? Make it. Take control of things and don’t let them control you.

Although there are always external obstacles standing in your way, and life always seems to throw you curve balls, take control of the game. Control what you can control, and focus on the things you can do. Don’t obsess over the things you can’t control.

Transform your mindset and transform your life. See yourself as controlling your life not your life controlling you. You are the only one in control of you, so take control and make life what you want it to be!


Don’t be afraid to make big plays.

Take risks.

Never be afraid to try something new or crazy, because it just might change the game.

You really do miss all of the shots you don’t take so take every change you get. Sure, some of the passes you throw may not get caught, but if you never throw them, they 100% never will be.

The clock is ticking so don’t wait. Don’t wait for the big plays to happen: make them happen!


Don’t give up before it’s over.

If you had a penny for every time I said the phrase “there is still time left” or “it’s not over until it’s over” you would probably be a millionaire. But its so true!

It’s easy to say, at this point I might as well wait until next year. But there is STILL 25% of the game left. There is still time to turn everything around.

Even if you are ahead, keep grinding. It’s easy to lose motivation and stop trying as hard, but there is still time left. Keep pushing all the way to the end.


Throw the Hail Mary.

When it comes down to it, take a big risk. It might be a long shot, but there is still a chance (no matter how small) that it will work. Just have faith.

This is the last chance to win the game, so go for it. What is there to loose?


Win or Lose, know that you gave it your all.

No matter how the year turns out, know that you gave it your best. Know that you did everything in your power to make it end up the way you wanted it to. Don’t finish the year out with regrets.

And remember, this is only one game or one year. There will be wins and there will be losses, but you still have your whole season and your whole life ahead of you.

Don’t define yourself based on one game, but use the lessons from this one to prepare for the next.


Go out there and win the game.

With that I leave you to it. Go out there and give it your all. I AM ROOTING FOR YOU. I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO GO OUT THERE AND KILL IT.

Remain strong. Don’t give up. It’s not over until its over. LETS GO OUT THERE AND WIN.