Introducing Me

Hey it’s Kay!

My real name is Kaylee but "hey it's Kaylee" doesn't quite have the same effect as "hey it's Kay," so for the sake of a good rhyme I'll go by Kay. I am a creator and adventure enthusiast who loves photography, video production, travel, music, writing, film, sports, design, and the arts.

WOW. That is a long list of interests and I could name even more. As you can probably tell, I am the type of person who loves and wants to try everything. If you showed me a picture or video of something that looked even remotely cool, I'd probably say "Let's do that!"

Since you're reading this, I'm assuming that you are interested in learning a little bit more about me. So while I could use this space to tell you about all of my experience, credentials, and accomplishments, I think it would be much more interesting and exciting for you to get to know about me as a person and WHY I do what I do. 

Growing up, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I dreaded the question “what do you want to be when you grow up” because unlike most of my friends, I had absolutely no idea. There were so many things I wanted to do and try that it was pretty much impossible to narrow it down into a concise answer other than "I don't know." At some point in my life, I have wanted to have every career imaginable.

It took me until my freshman year of college to realize that not knowing what I want to do is 100% okay and most people who ~think~ they have their lives all figured out really don't.

That’s when I perfected the art of “fake it ‘til you make it.”

I still don't know where I am headed in life, but if there is one thing I have learned in the past 20 years of living it is that life is just one big game of "I have no idea what I am doing" and then somehow figuring it out. The important thing is to live life presently, take it one step at a time, and focus on finding the things that you love to create the life you want to live.

If you think about it, we are all just living one big "Choose Your Own Adventure Book."

So that leads me to where I am today, and here is a little ~crash course~ to some of the things you will learn about me:

  • I'm a 90's baby but I definitely THRIVED in the early 2000s.

  • In true Millennial fashion I prefer paper towels over napkins, memes are the key to my heart, and I am fluent in Vines.

  • I own more stuffed animals than anyone my age ever should.

  • I can't sing. But that has never once stopped me from singing all the time. In the car. In the shower. Everywhere.

  • I love, love, looooove music. I'll listen to pretty much anything. Kendrick Lamar is the GOAT, but I'm always down for Shawn Mendes or Khalid.

  • Speaking of goats, I absolutely love goats. And giraffes. And dogs. And ocelots. And really anything that alive and fuzzy.

  • Ninety-eight percent of my diet is chicken nuggets and I put ketchup on pretty much everything. Except for donuts which are my all-time favorite food. I could seriously live off of them.

  • I love movies and TV shows. For movies, my all-time favorites list would definitely include Monsters Inc. and Spider-Man. For TV shows, I am always down for anything, so if you ever need to vent with someone after a dramatic episode, I'm your girl.

  • I'm pretty sure I was destined to be a super hero, but I accidentally killed the spider that was supposed to bite me.

  • I love to laugh, and I like to think I'm pretty funny. I'm not sure if anyone else thinks that but nevertheless I love to make people smile.

  • I love the beach, the ocean, the mountains, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth. I am completely and constantly amazed by the world we live in.

Out of all of these things I love, my most favorite thing in the entire world is to create. I absolutely LOVE making memories, telling stories, and experiencing the world everywhere I go. I have always been amazed with the world we live in, and I have always loved to travel and experience all of the amazing things the world has to offer. 

So that leads me in to the WHY I love doing what I do. I absolutely love documenting my life and the lives of other people around me. I love capturing memories that will last a life time and I love sharing them with all of you!

My first love is and always will be photography. I fell in love with it as soon as I was able to control the shutter button on one of those disposable film cameras. I think there is something truly special about being able to capture a single slice of time and be able to keep it forever. But recently, I have begun experimenting more and more with video production, because I love being able to record moments and create stories I can watch over and over again. I am super stoked to see what I can create and I can't wait to see where these projects take me.

I am soooo excited for the journey that lies ahead and I am so excited to share my experiences with YOU. Why? Because in the end that is what this is really all about: connecting with others. I love working with people to create something beautiful and I love sharing what we create. Together.

The world is such an amazing place filled with incredible places, events, experiences, and humans like you, so through my work, I hope to connect with you to brighten your life and maybe make the world a little bit better.

So let's make something together!

The world has so much to offer and there is so much out there to see. Let's go! And never stop exploring.