Taking Control of Your Life

Like most of us ~probably~ would agree, life is pretty crazy.

It really is a roller-coaster ride filled with ups and downs: there are exciting, adrenaline-filled high points, terrifying twists and turns, some pretty deep drops, and sometimes it makes you throw up (sorry for that image).

But seriously guys! Life really is crazy.

All throughout our lives we experience the amazing and wonderful moments that life has to offer: love, connections with family and friends, the making of memories, laughter, goats, pillows and blankets, the release of Kendrick Lamar’s new album.

But at the same time, we all have our struggles. We all face hardships and have to fight our own difficult battles, because sometimes life is really, really hard.

These past few years, were especially tough for me. I did have some really high moments where I felt like I was on top of the world, but I also had some really low moments that completely broke me. These lows hit me hard, and sometimes it felt like every time I got back on my feet, I would just get knocked back down again.

In this crazy whirlwind, I felt stuck. I never could quite find my rhythm or my happy. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of my life as it went on around me, and I was just trying to get by. I felt like I was trapped in the roller-coaster ride of life instead of enjoying it.

So one day I decided I was MOTION-SICK.

I decided I was tried of feeling like I was just going through the motions of letting life happen to me, and I was tired of feeling like life was living me instead of the other way around.

So, I decided to do something about it.

When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day 2018, I said to myself: TWENTY-EIGHTEEN WILL BE MY YEAR.

*cue loud cheering, noise-makers, fireworks, and confetti*

In that singular moment, I completely transformed my life. I made the conscious decision to reclaim my life as my own, deciding that I was going to stop letting my life control me and take control of my life.

Now you’re probably asking yourself: does it really work like that? I mean realllly?

And the simplest answer I can give is yes.

Because life is what you make of it.

While ~technically~ anyone can make any claim that they want to (I mean fake news, am I right?), the intent behind the words are what give them the power. In this case, the meaning behind my words gave me the power to take control of my life.

For me, these words were more than just an empty New Year’s Resolution that I would give up on within the first week (sorry fitness goals). These words symbolized an empowering moment in which I was going to transform my life.

Now, just over one month into the year, I am the happiest I have been in a long time.

Why? Because I simply changed my attitude.

I entered the new year with a newfound sense of confidence, determination, and internal drive to make my life the best it could possibly be. So now, I see myself as thriving, instead of just surviving. I came into 2018 with the mindset that this year was going to be great, and so far, it has been just that.

If you change your mindset, you have the power to change your life.

Let me say that again: If you change your mindset, you will change your life.

You and only you have the power to make your life what you want to make it. And that is incredible.

I know some of you may be thinking: but how am I supposed to take control of my life when there are so many external obstacles keeping me from where I want to be?

By controlling what you can control.

I cannot stress the importance of controlling what you can control enough. There are certain things in your life such as your attitude and determination that you and only you can control. So while you may not be able to control your circumstances, you can control how you let them impact you.

How cool is that?!

You have the power to take control of your life and make it what you want it to be!

Some of you may be feeling like I did just a few weeks ago: stuck in the middle of your crazy life as it goes on around you. So by changing your mindset and focusing on the things you can control, you really can change your life. 

So I hope, maybe, just maybe, I inspired you enough to look for this power within and transform your life into the best version it can be. While life really is crazy, it's also incredible and we can all make this year our year :)