Here's to the Nights We Felt Alive


Wow. What. A. Year.

What has felt like one of the longest, yet shortest years ever (remember that Olympics we had this year?) is quickly coming to a close, and I find myself reflecting on this past year.

Going into 2018, I made the promise to myself that I was going to make it “my year.” This was the year I was going to stop waiting for life to happen and start living my best life. This was the year I was going to take control of my life and fully embrace being alive.

I set out to do just that, and looking back, I am truly at one of the happiest I have ever been.

I spent the last 12 months studying, traveling, competing, laughing, creating, and falling in love with the world we live in. I was able to travel to so many incredible places, connect with so many different people, and experience so many new opportunities.

This year taught me to be fearless and live my life without regrets. It reminded me that we are not guaranteed tomorrow; we aren’t even guaranteed today. I wanted to embrace every single moment of the past year, the highs and the lows, because every second we are given is a blessing.

This year was absolutely insane and truly one of the best of my life. I am incredibly blessed and thankful to have the life that I do and to be surrounded by such amazing family and friends. Above all, I am thankful for a loving God who has made all of these things possible and who continues to bless me every single day.

2018, you were good to me. Here’s to the nights we felt alive.