Don't Forget to Live

I think it is pretty safe that we have reached ~that~ point in the semester. You know, the time of the year where life seems to go completely crazy and everything happens all at once.

Homework. Projects. Tests. Finals. A millions things to get done.

It seems like the list of things to do keeps getting longer and longer. Every time something gets checked off, another item somehow appears.

During this time of the year, I often find myself a billion times more stressed, tired, and mentally unstable than I usually am. This time of year is overwhelming and let me tell you, the dark circles are REAL man.

This is also usually the point in the year where I find myself in need of a little bit of motivation and some reminders.

So whether you are reading this in the midst of a study break or mental breakdown, here two things I want you to keep in mind to help motivate you through the rest of the year.

  1. You will make it through this; you have before.

  2. Don’t forget to live along the way.

Remember last year when you were just as stressed, tired, and overwhelmed as you are now?

A blessing or a curse, we experience these feelings all the time. There are ups and downs and highs and lows. But somehow, we always pull through.

I am sure there have been plenty of times in your life, beyond finals week, where you have questioned, how am I going to make it through this? Yet, here you are. You made it through. You always make it.

So as you continue to feel this overwhelmingness (yes, it’s a word, I looked it up), remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will reach it. You have been here before, and you will make it through again.

And along the way, don’t miss out on life’s moments that are happening right now.

Sometimes we get so caught up in life, that we forget to live.

Especially during the crazy times of year, it is so easy to focus on everything we have to do, that we forget to enjoy life as we do it. I am sooo guilty of this sometimes that I have to remind myself to enjoy these moments while they are happening.

So here’s my little bit of wisdom for this: perspective.

Twenty years from now, you are not going to remember the grade you got on that paper you stayed up until 2 am to write, and no one is going to ask you what your GPA was.

You are going to remember that time you got lost coming home from an adventure with your friends, and people are going to ask you what your favorite part of college was.

Now, I am not saying that you should not try or not care about school, I am saying to put it into perspective. Working hard and striving to be the best you can be is important to being happy and successful.

Just don’t forget about the other things along the way.

Putting your stress into perspective means not letting it overwhelm you to the point where you stop enjoying life. Putting life into perspective means focusing in on the bigger picture.

Find the balance between the demands of your work and the enjoyable moments of life. Don’t forget to live.

So as you make your way through these last few weeks, keep these two little things in mind. I know these next few weeks will be tough, but stay focused, know the finish line is on the horizon, and enjoy the run. I BELIEVE IN YOU.